Kate Diehm, Regent of the Abigail Hinman Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, participated in a grave marking ceremony for Daniel Eldredge on July 4, hosted by the Nathan Hale Branch of the Sons of the American Revolution at the Crary Burial Ground in Mystic, Connecticut.  Five revolutionary war patriot graves were marked: Capt. Daniel Hubbard Burrows, Jr.; Capt. Nathan Crary, Jr.; John Babcock; Sergeant Daniel Eldredge/Eldridge; and William Holdredge. In addition, the Nathan Hale Branch presented the Military Service Medal to Alex Metz.


It wasn’t the graduation Michele Gartland imagined when she bought plane tickets and made hotel reservations months before, but when the day finally arrived, nothing could diminish the celebration of her son’s accomplishment. Jack Gartland graduated from Stanford University on June 14, 2020. To all who celebrated a high school or college graduation this year, we send our congratulations to your graduate on this exciting milestone!

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