Rucci Law Group is proud to announce that Julie Jaramillo completed her Associates Degree in Criminal Justice at Norwalk Community College in December 2015. Rather than take a break from school, she is off to John Jay College of Criminal Justice to pursue her undergraduate degree in pre-law studies beginning in January 2016. Julie plans to eventually attend law school and pursue a career in law.

Julie is the first in her family to receive a degree and is proud that she accomplished this while working full time, raising her son and attending about 300 soccer games. She feels that he has absorbed the value of education while watching her study on the weekends and in the evenings after finishing both work and school. I could not have graduated without the support of my colleagues. They are like a big professional family. They have been unbelievably supportive and have been behind me every step of the way. My work environment has inspired me to grow and now to reach for the next level, confided Julie.

Julie will continue to assist the attorneys as RLG grows its Trusts and Estates practice. With the addition of Dianne Covello in the T&E arena, Julie will take on increasingly complex tasks, including work related to Medicare and Eldercare. Amy Zabetakis adds: We are very proud to have Julie as one of our valued employees. Her dedication to caring for and assisting our clients is extraordinary. We are thrilled to celebrate this accomplishment with her.

Congratulations to Julie on obtaining her degree and best of luck as she starts the next level of her education journey.

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