Small business owners should be aware if they receive a letter in the mail with an “official” looking invoice for annual reports due to the State of Connecticut.  Closer inspection reveals that these are being sent by a company called “CFS” and there is a notation in the fine print that “CFS is not a government agency”.  These invoices should be ignored.

Rucci Law Group handles the annual filings for many of their clients and others file the reports on their own behalf through the Secretary of the State’s website.

The Connecticut Secretary of State will not normally send unsolicited mailings to business owners seeking payment for annual reports. In general, the Secretary of State only communicates via the email on file for the business. If there is no email on file, the Secretary of State’s office will send a postcard reminding the business to file its annual report online but it will not mail the form or request for payment via regular mail.

It is very important that business owners comply with state filing regulations regarding their business. If you have any questions regarding the status of your company or your filing obligations, please reach out to the attorneys at Rucci Law Group who will be happy to go over the process with you and help you decide if you need assistance.

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