Amy Zabetakis is a founding partner at Rucci Law Group, LLC. After pursuing a joint J.D./M.B.A from Georgetown University, Amy took a job in New York City working with large corporate clients. While her work provided her with ample worthwhile experience, she soon realized that a more personal approach might suit her better.

Q: What is it that makes RLG so special?

A: The relationships we have with our clients are longstanding and ongoing. We get to see them buy their first home, set up a business and in some cases we end up helping the second generation buy their first homes, it’s a very rewarding and family centric experience.


Q: Do you find that living and working in the same community makes the work harder? Easier? More fulfilling?

A: I really enjoy working in the town I live in because I get to personally see the results. I have a personal stake in the community, and feel a sense of responsibility because I care greatly about the people here. I also think I understand the town in a way only an actual resident can.


Q: What specific area of the law do you tend to focus on?

A: I work mainly in the areas of real estate, land use and zoning, but the truth is, nothing happens in a vacuum, so I always make sure I’m looking at a situation from a more holistic vantage point. I want my clients to know they can count on me for advice even if it doesn’t pertain to one of my main practice areas.


Q: What about outside the office?

A: I really love this community and I like to try and make an impact on a local level.  I’m fairly involved personally and professionally in a number of non-profit organizations.  I am currently on the Board of  A Better Chance in Darien which provides scholarships and housing to a group of young women from underserved communities to allow them to attend Darien High School.  I love the program because I feel that it helps both the girls in the program and the DHS community.


Q: Any last thoughts?

A: I love the opportunities my practice gives me to get to know the people and businesses in my community. When I was in law school I never envisioned myself owning a small local law practice but now I can’t imagine doing anything else.



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