Downtown Darien was the scene of the annual Darien July 4th Push and Pull Parade. Participation rules are simple: any kind of non-motorized vehicle with wheels is eligible to join and everything from strollers, to wagons, to roller skates and bikes joined the procession. The festivities include an honor guard, music from a fife and drum band, a selection of food from local vendors, and most importantly a slew of coveted awards for most patriotic family to best decorated stroller, wagon and bike.

The Darien VFW hosts the parade, with funds from donations made during the event used to restore the Darien VFW chapel at 205 Noroton Ave. Once again RLG was a sponsor for this event with attorneys turning out to march alongside the wheeled contraptions. This event is one of the highlights of the Darien 4th of July festivities and is especially popular with the younger set who may not stay awake late enough to view fireworks. There is something for every age group, with older children assisting with face painting, costume judging and old-fashioned cheering.

RLG was proud to sponsor the 2016 event. Amy Zabetakis was among the judges and announced the awards. The ingenuity that folks bring to their decorations is incredible. From Lady Liberty to spaceships to painted faces and decorated bikes. It is amazing to see what my friends and neighbors come up with every year.

A slide show featuring photos from the event can be found here on the Darien Times website.

Seren Samy, as Lady Liberty, July 4, 2016
Seren Samy, as Lady Liberty, July 4, 2016


RLG Partner Amy Zabetakis and Push Pull Parade organizer Katherine Samy prepare to judge the costume contest.
RLG Partner Amy Zabetakis and Push Pull Parade organizer Katherine Samy prepare to judge the costume contest.
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